Events — Makwa Studio

Greetings! I will be traveling so any orders placed after February 20th will be shipped the week of March 9th!

Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. 

900 West 7th St. #415
St. Paul MN, 55102
United States

(763) 567-0736


Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio + OPENING CIRCLE
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio + OPENING CIRCLE

On Saturday, April 5th, we will kick-off the Hospital Gown Project with an ‘Opening Circle’ starting at 10am! Greetings/introductions + light snacks will be provided.

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio
9:00 AM09:00

Hospital Gown Project- Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

View Event →
Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio
10:00 AM10:00

Hospital Gown Project - Open Studio

We invite anyone who has been impacted by alcoholism within their families or by their loved ones to join us in the creation of a new work titled “Hospital Gowns”. 

During open studio we will teach folks how to do brick stitch to create pieces that will be attached together like a quilt in the shape of the gown.

These will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in 2025 and any sales of work will have a portion donated to an organization  dealing with substance abuse (TBD).

This is a healing time to be creative and experience joy in community. We understand that conversations will happen naturally but want to acknowledge that we will not be facilitating any structured discussions. Everyone will have their own experiences relating to this topic and may want to share or not as it is a sensitive subject. With that said, our role in this is to strictly provide a creative environment that honors those that we love. 

Materials will be provided but please feel free to bring snacks to share. 

We know that day time hours are limiting to some folks but hope to add additional evening times as the project continues. 

If you have any questions or do not live in the Twin Cities area but want to participate please email .

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